Teaching a craft brings you ever closer to mastering it. This definetly a career highlight for me as it gives me the space to give back to the Toronto tech scene and coach aspiring product Manager.

I had fun doing this interview with Course Report about my experience teaching at BrainStation. Check it out!

I get asked quite frequently, “Can BrainStation students actually learn the fundementals of Product Management in 10 weeks (300+ hours, once a week)?”. The answer is YES! This program equips students to make a career change with the right toolkit and mindset to prepare them for the industry. I have been teaching this course since 2018 and it has been one of the most rewarding expereinces for me. Of course, this is just the beigning of the journey as there is always room to learn more best practices and be curious about new topics.

Don’t forget to check out the Course Report interview from Course Report for more details about my experience at Brainstation.

Product Managemet at BrainStation

Product Managemet at BrainStation

Product Managemet at BrainStation

Product Managemet at BrainStation

Product Managemet at BrainStation

Product Managemet at BrainStation